Sunday, April 29, 2007

Life is a Dilemma!

The events that have unfolded over the past 2 weeks have led me into composing this post..
The good news first, i finally made it to an IIM to study management!
The *not so good* news, it is a part-time general management course.
Now it is time to decide as to whether i take the plunge or have one more crack..

Life is very confusing and complicated to say the least!
It is full of choices and tradeoff's.
As the stakes get higher, it is tougher to make a decision..

On one side, i have a lot to be thankful and happy..
On the other, there is this feeling that i am good enough to make it to the mainstream next year..

On one side, i am game to start with something that i have always wanted to study..
On the other, i realize that this might not be *precisely* what i wanted..

On one side, i have family encouraging me to go ahead..
On the other, i have friends egging me on to aim higher..

On one side they say, a bird in hand is better than two in the bush..
On the other, higher the risk..higher the gain..

There is no easy process to arrive at an answer to some of the questions that life throws up..
Sometimes, one is inclined to play safe considering what they have on hand.

Following are some things that can help in this regard..
- Speak to people! Get different perspectives! More heads are better than one..
Ensure that you select your consultants well though..

- Start with a well defined version of your objectives.
Understand your environment..
It is not often that a person looks at himself critically.

- Use a structured flow to arrive at a decision.
Weigh in all the factors..

- Do not overdo it!
Set yourself a limited time frame to come to a conclusion.

- Finally, stick by whatever you decide.

There goes my 2 cents about decision making in life!
The basic problem is that we take ourselves too seriously..
Thinking about how small we are in the scheme of things can help us relax during the decision making process..
We need to realize that life is a marathon..there are always chances to come back!
Now dont sleep on these thoughts :)

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